About Woodeneye and FraidKnot

The Wooden Eye and FraidKnot characters were designed by a passionate sports and recreation enthusiast who like to answer a question with " Wooden Eye"

Like to come for a swim?  "Wooden Eye!"

Like to come for a burger ? " Wooden Eye!"

LIke to see a Movie? " Wooden Eye!"

Like to go Paddling? " Wooden Eye!"


Occasionally this adventure enthusiast would need to answer a question with a " No " answer

Sometimes she would have to disagree and say " FraidKnot !"

Sometimes she would have to stand up for herself and say " FraidKnot !"


If you ever just feel the need to yell out " Yes" . then why not check out the Wooden Eye Collection.

If you feel the need to say  " No" . the FraidKnot is your guy.

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